Eloise's 7th Birthday in Legoland

Created by Cindy 5 years ago
We celebrated Eloise's 7th Birthday in Legoland.  There were the five of us, Jo and Reuben, and Nan and Grandad.  This was quite an exciting day outfor all of us, the first (and only) trip to Legoland.  We all loved the amazing Lego mini cities, but what really stands out in my mind was when we went on the roller coaster.  Eloise was definitely up for this, and Kirsty and Reuben too.  Jo and I thought we'd better accompany the children whilst Adam looked after Melissa back on the ground.  Then to my amazement, Nan said she'd come too and Grandad, probably thinking he'd better look after Nan, also said he was going to have a go.  We queued for a really long time, all feeling both excited and nervous and there was a nice party atmosphere in the queue.  The roller coaster was great, we all loved it.  Then Eloise went on the log flume with Adam, Kirsty, Jo and Reuben, but I'd done enough queueing for the day, so I stayed with Melissa and my parents, and took photos as they emerged.  That was a good birthday outing, and the sun shone on us that day.