Huntsman spider

Created by Cindy 5 years ago
I had to rescue Francis from a relatively small spider that was psyching him out in the car today.  We managed to wait until we got to Sainsburies and deal with the 'situation' there.  This reminded me of the Huntsman incidendent in Australia.  Bill had a good memory what happened and we were all chatting about it over there last Christmas.  On our last trip to Australia in 2009, you kids were all in the old gold people carrier van, with Uncle Tim driving to the beach, when a huge huntsman spider popped out from somewhere and sat on your foot.  It sounds like a general panic ensued in the back until Uncle Tim pulled over and evicted the offending creature!  You told us all about it when we arrived at the beach. Now, if that had been me there is no way I'd have got back in that van again, but you were not put off so easily.  The gold 'mystery wagon' with the Harts was where all the adventure and fun was happening, and you were straight back in for the return journey.