Fireworks in Lewes

Created by Cindy 5 years ago
I remember that fireworks night in Lewes, when we went up to the golf course to see the 'junior' fireworks display.  We mistakenly thought that this was fireworks for children, but in fact it was the fireworks being set off by the junior cadets up on the hill, which were designed to be seen from the town.  You guys were very twitchy, and we grown ups were trying to convince you that it was all fine and safe, despite the fact that we were the only ones up there watching.  It was only when a firework came skidding across the ground towards us thatyou led the charge back across the field and back down to the house.  We all ran after you, following your very sensible example.  That was enough fireworks for you kids that night, you wanted nothing more to do with the Lewes fireworks party or parades.