The Club

Created by Cindy 4 years ago
 I remember what fun you had in 'The Club' - it was a pretty exclusive club with just 4 members - you three children and Grandad.  You and K worked out that Grandad loved a club, (golf, rotary, etc)  so you set one up with him.  The Club had a lot of meetings, all properly chaired with agendas and minutes and action points.  It also organised events, wrote magazines and wrote / performed plays.  All in all it commandeered Grandad's attention for hours on end - the four of you were very happy playing together.  K took it all very seriously and took charge, you mainly let her do so but every now and again you would take a bit of subversive action.  Melissa on the other hand took on a fully insurgent role, and liked to cause a little bit of chaos particularly during a performance.  K used to get so cross but you and Grandad usually took it in your stride.  A Club performance was always a hoot for the audience, which consisted of me, Dad and Nan.  We have some of them captured on old video footage.