When Jeremy met Eloise

Created by Adam 6 years ago

Although the last few years were tough for Eloiseand our family, I wouldn’t want people to think itwas all doom and gloom. We had some wonderful times together and some proper laughs. This is one of my most treasured memories.

It was the Saturday after the “snap election”. I was mowing the front lawn, when I saw the leaderof the opposition (and our local MP) walking pastwith a cameraman and a press officer in attendance. They were going to a park near our house to meet some “real people”. Little did they suspect how real!

I followed and watched from a distance, while JChad an incredibly long conversation with a football coach about Arsene Wenger. Then Eloise, Francis and Cindy came out and I sensed a photo opportunity.

JC was very keen to say “strong and stable” instrad of “cheese”, but we thought it made his mouth go wonky. So we persuaded him to say “bananas” instead. Eloise in particular can be very persuasive, as you see in the picture.

The series of photos we took that day still raises a smile (and a tear) today.
