secondary school science laugh

Created by anon 2 years ago

Happy Birthday Angel.

I get the facebook notification every year and always find myself back here reading these heartwarming thoughts and stories. I've got a brief story but it's such a fond yet silly one that I'd like to think she'd remember. I never knew Eloise well but we were sat next to each other for around 6 months in year 9 or 10 during science and I was really quite lucky having her there as I wasn't the sharpest but she was the most humble and helpful brainbox!

We had a lesson mixing chemicals and our task was to use the chemicals in front of us to make Ph7. She'd got it immediately of course but it took me a while, she'd offered to help but I said I wanted to take the time to figure this one out on my own. 10 minutes later I was still stuck and had a eureka idea to use a different source to what was not in front of us which was water (yes the water that is pH7). I'd poured it in to my mixture and started celebrating that I finally figured it out, 'I'M A GENIUS GUYS I KNEW I COULD DO IT'. She begins giggling and my face dropped as I realized the only reason it went to ph7 is because I added it rather than made it! Now I recall Eloise as fairly quiet but the laugh that came out was so contagious the whole class began laughing, I should've realized then that science was clearly not my calling but I'm about to start interning as a data scientist! Science without the chemicals that is.

I know wherever she is now she is amazing at whatever she is up to. I hope the family are all well, your posts and thoughts are noticed by not only her and I hope to be remembered and loved half as much when it is my time. 


Kindest regards to all,


Random girl from her science class x